Friday, September 08, 2006

Plead Guilty for Sanctuary

Warning: The names of these individuals have been changed in order to protect the privacy and private parts of the blogger of this post. The events that occured here are based on a true story and is purposely dramaticized so that any resemblance to actual characters in real life is purely coincedential.


Aim: Googlefiiiiiiiiight~~!
Epul: We really have nothing better to do.
Zil: Why are you complaining about? You're beating every one of us.
Epul: That's the beauty of it!
Adz: Try my name and see.
Zil: 4 results. Wow Adz**** you suck.
Adz: wtf?
Aim: Let's see what results come out under Adz****'s name.
Zil: OMG... That looks like my blog.
Zil: OMG... It IS my blog.
Aim: Did the name Zil Dimension gave it away?
Epul: And of all Post... The ones that appeared is the post including **** *******'s name.
Zil: Alright. Let's GoogleFight that with Adz****
Adz: WTF?
Aim: We really have nothing better to do.
Epul: And she beats you!
Adz: By how much?
Aim: 4.
Adz: 4?
Epul: Let's google her name and see.
Zil: OMG... That looks like my blog.
Epul: Forget about that! Look at what you posted!
Everyone: ...
Epul: So Zil, what are you going to do if she googles her name!?
Zil: Then I'll be proper fucked.

~A Few Months Passed~

**** *******: You're Zil right? Did you write something about me on your blog?

*Adz chokes*
*Epul runs away*
*Aim stares into open space*
*Zil couldn't stop his hands from shaking, and raises it up.*



Dear Ms. You-Know-Who-You-Are,

Regarding the post dated on 10th August 2005 I would like to convey the most sincerest apologies for stating such an inappropriate descriptions regarding your personal appearance.
I've learned you were really a nice person to forgive me for my wrongdoings and even complimented my writing skills which puts me to shame for even thinking of putting such remarks. You've even offered me a job for my writing skills.
I do hope however no feelings or animals were harmed in the process of making this letter.




Today's Lesson:

Anonymous does not Forgive.

....As for the rest of you mofos, go fly kites.
And then I ran out of breath....


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