Wednesday, September 14, 2005

500 pounds of Flesh into a 100 pound Capacity Skin

I wish I had a lot more energy for all the things I have to do nowadays.
My eyes always seems half closed except for when I'm sleeping.
I've been pumping myself with Vitamins, but that only increases my appetite (though for some people they say that's good for me)

And now, it seems that I have been taken away from the only relaxing moment of my life. Sitting in the room staring at the ceiling while listening to mp3s. No, Hurricane Katrina didn't rip my roof off, just that my old machine jukebox had his hard drives twisted up and now I can't run anything on my PC. So no MSN and no Mp3s. Just my four walls and a window with mosquitos flowing through.

(And Right now I'm updating my blog in my neighbour's house next to a guy who just casually took his pants off and at the same time keep his eyes on what he was studying. Good that he has Diligence. Weird that he's taking his pants off.)

But anyways, despite my Mom's slow and stern talk with me about not going out too often, I find myself promising too much people with my time. I'm loosing a lot of it. If feels like it's a strange irony for a person who keeps 3 alarms clocks to wake him up and has many many more working clocks inside his house constantly telling him what time it is, he doesn't seem to spend it well.

It's like constantly being updated how much you have in your wallet and yet you still spend too much.

But since we mentioned that, yes, I'm becoming a little short on cash myself.

Let's not let thoughts track on for too long... Back to time management (Hey! This book was written by some guy named Dennis G. Zill) Erhm... Back to time Management... I find myself promising people to have lunch, pc repairs, projects, sessions, yada-yada... Basically, I find myself arranging too many appointments with people that I don't have time for myself.

(No, I'm not a psychologist. But I do have many people that I want to sit down and have a chat with.)

The sad part is when my mind is actually hyper and in the mood for creative thinking, it's usually when I have about 3 to 5 hours left of sleep. That's when all the creative juices about writing my story starts flowing. Now when I still have a week free of exams, I have no computer to write it all down.

No, I don't feel like resorting to pen and paper. I may end up drawing something instead.

...which is not so bad either.

(The Dude just put his pants back on.)

Everyone in Bangsar are okay. But their free time is usually my resting time. And when I get home, it's more work all over again.

I just got a call from the great Mr. YMY (It's Yap for some of you people. He earned the title of being great after pwning us in RO continously) that there might be a chance of redemption from my PC. It can go 2 ways; I can have about extra 38 gigs of space or I'm heading over to Low Yatt to buy some a CDR for my old machine. (Or I could salvage from a junkyard. Chances are the things there are about as old as my machine.)

Lastly, Saiful flies off to Japan soon. I won't be able to see him off thanks to the price increase in fuel and stuff, but I will remember the fact that he has become more matured than I last remembered him to be. (Not so streetwise here in Malaysia, but he does have some fun facts about Japan.) The extra hard drive space was actually a bargain offered by him after speaking to him on MSN after my Japanese classes. It has always been Saiful to offer a good bargain sometimes. And honestly I feel guilty enough to accept it sometimes. So he managed to become mature and keep the kindhearted honesty in him. Something I find very difficult to find nowadays and something pretty honorable.

Well... It's not like he's gone forever. :P
And then I ran out of breath....


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