Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Downs and Downs

I've always wondered what it would be like exactly if I dressed up inside a school uniform and decide to pay SMBB a visit. But then again, if any Pengawas tells me to tug in my shirt... Things might get ugly.

Yes... A lot of things has been happening in the world today and some of it are best remained untouched. There has been a very serious family problem which involved my mom running away due to some irresponsible individuals.. Or should I say a Heartless fucking asshole who should be grateful we even let you in the house. If you ever hurt my mom again I swear I'll take a kitchen knife, dive it into your throat while you're sleeping and watch you die slowly while I twist the knife. A shallow grave suits you nicely.

Okay... Enough about anger for now. I really need some time out.

I've been having a constant headache for almost a month now and I find myself constantly waking up with a sore throat. Perhaps Pall Mall menthol really do sucks. Or maybe sleeping at irregular hours is just bad. I'm talking about sleeping at 8 am and waking up at 11 pm. Yes, I am the perfect picture of bad health and I really really need some exercise. (Even jumping around in the backroom makes me tired.)

The only part of my body that's exercising is my fingers. (No, not that kind of evercising, you sick pervert.) The PS2 seems to be the greatest exercise machine for your hands. Honestly, it's the best controller out there. (Heard that the XboX controller was too huge for Asian hands.)

Game of the Week? Not really a good game but I'm into Tecmo's Trapt for some really kinky maid outfits. Okay, so the game sucks. There's just not enough replayability value for the game except for gathering ridiculous amounts of warls to purchase better traps and more kinky costumes, but the concept is there. The game reminds me of the good ol days with Dungeon Keeper whereby setting traps to kill your foes just like every James Bond villain in their summer houses. But, as far as gameplay goes, that's about it. Age for kinky maid outfits. Villainy, they don't make good games like that anymore except for some 70's shithole like Evil Genius. For some reason, I really hate the style of the 70's. If I were to be transported into the past, I would definitely have a culture shock.

In other news, the movie Corpse Bride was something worth watching. But I'm sure most you watched it already. Who cares if it's one hour. Claymation really takes a lot of work.

I'll think of something later...
And then I ran out of breath....


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