Painting Demons and Angels
Just days before finals, ultimately suspended here to be busy with many projects due and a internship to consider as well as cramming for finals, I logged on to mIRC Uniten network to see if anyone within the campus is able to help me with a little problem on a assignment due this semester.
Zihilism: ade org tau camne nak buka .pdf file utk copy paste?
|zerox|: |zerox|
meQ: Adobe Photoshop
Zihilism: ye ker?
|zerox| yer
|zerox| gune jer photoshop
Zihilism: ok thx thx
~5000 minutes later~

Needless to say my creative drive to see my characters in colour prevented me from completing my assignment.
Also, I managed to access the porn hub in Uniten.
...with a lot of tudung girl porn. ick.
|zerox|: |zerox|
|zerox| yer
|zerox| gune jer photoshop
~5000 minutes later~

Needless to say my creative drive to see my characters in colour prevented me from completing my assignment.
Also, I managed to access the porn hub in Uniten.
...with a lot of tudung girl porn. ick.
What do u mean by tudung girl porn?
Does sounds icky...huhu
Trust me you really don't want to know.
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