I didn't realize that that I'd make a better warlock. Though they make them look quite wimpy at times. Nevermind. I wonder if Dungeon Keeper 3 is going to hit the shelves anytime soon.

Evil sorcerers, Warlocks are shunned by the overland world and seek shelter and employment in the dungeons below. They crave knowledge, and will gladly ally with any Keeper prepared to allow access to his Dark Libraries.They maybe masters of dark sorcery but are subject to work-stress.This can cause them to attack any none reserching creature who wanders into thier sanctum...,often causeing less than pleasant results.

Evil sorcerers, Warlocks are shunned by the overland world and seek shelter and employment in the dungeons below. They crave knowledge, and will gladly ally with any Keeper prepared to allow access to his Dark Libraries.They maybe masters of dark sorcery but are subject to work-stress.This can cause them to attack any none reserching creature who wanders into thier sanctum...,often causeing less than pleasant results.
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