Thursday, March 25, 2004

Survivor: Uniten, Day 4

Head feels like breaking to pieces. Hardly ever get to see anyone around here in Uniten. Seems like most of the people around have been casted out already. XD. Well, anyway, for once this whole semester I can actually walk across a building without saying Hi to someone I know. Which is kinda sad because pestering the company of others is to a certain extent my happiness. Needless to say, I do crazy things when I'm alone and sink into a wallow of depression. =(

Most of the time I've spent hear are studying and listening to fellas watch football. It's agonizing, sitting around being idle but I guess I can't complain since some fellas I know spend 1 whole year doing that same shit. (My sympathies. T_T)

Yet... Even when the holidays are here, will I ever achieve happiness? I've mentioned a lot of times I never regret spending a lot of quality time to myself and having free time to do whatever I want. But in the end, I'll most likely to achieve nothing.

Nothing really ever changes around here. Sure I could hang around with the buddies, but I still desire that feeling of rush, the feeling to know what it's like to live.

Bored and lonely here in Uniten. But not giving up.

Peace out.

I tried to gain my breath
And then I ran out of breath

Owww...... Hehe....
And then I ran out of breath....


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