Sunday, June 29, 2003

hm... This seems to be the day of very weird phone calls.

I call Yap, and he asks me why do I need a Diablo 2 CD
I call Zhin, and he says he's actually going to take the law test tomorrow.
I call Hamsa, and he just laughed back at me when he answered the phone.

hm... It's a slow Sunday, just as I prefer it to be and found it quite restless. I got the idea of calling Yap for the Diablo 2 CD for old times sake. Heikal seems pretty eathusiastic anyway. But I figured why not just play Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne instead. Pasar malam should be up in a few hours or so. Maybe I'll go around and search for it. Thank you pirates of Malaysia. =)

Just the other night, me and Chris blew RM21 on a shisha filled with 100 plus. It got me "there" but it wasn't really a good feeling as the conventional shisha. Seems like it wasn't must any different from the usual bong of RM13. There goes 10 bucks. T_T Besides that, there was also something bad in the Ramli burger that I ate that made my stomach feel really heavy. And my head was really light. The feeling wasn't right. :
Ah yes, my mp3 player is finally back from the shops. I can finally headbang to chocobo music in the cafeteria. =) That is if the thing that costed me a bundle doesn't screw up first. Slow Sunday, Slow Sunday. It's a good afternoon for a nap.
And then I ran out of breath....


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