Thursday, April 22, 2004

Show me a straight jacket and I'll show you a One-Size-Fits-All.

Actual ICQ conversation;

Zil: Yo.
Yippie^: hey...................ya(do-do-do-do)
Zil: ...?
Zil: I got Lex Aeterna already.
Yippie:^ you think you've got think you've got it.....and I forgot the rest of the lyrics.
Zil: Hi John. Wanna come over later?
Yippie^: not bad.took you two msgs only.
Zil: I'm good.

Damn I miss the good old mistaken Identity crisis we played back in RO. There's always a distinct pattern in most of our speeches when we talked online. Me and my lust for capitalization and punctuation, Yippie and his laziness in short forms and Jin somewhere in between. If Hamsa were to come online, he's probably start the conversation with "Oi.. Farker." As for John? Er.. It's kinda distinctive too. The last time I talk to Zhin, he was stoned on 'Rumpai' and wanted to talk to me in BM. Just like everyone has been saying to me, imported weed taste better than local ones. As a matter of fact, here's a picture of Zhin attending The World Pot Smoking Day (OMG, there's such a thing? Aaargh!). Seems to happen every 20th of April. Lookit all the number of people stoned there. He's the dude with the Cowboy hat.

Well, anyways, for once in my life I'm looking forward to attending the add drop session soon in Uniten tomorrow. It's about time I get some sunlight into my system. The wart in my foot, (it's still freaking there!) caused me a big handicapped to go anywhere fast. I can't go to Aiki. And I can feel my body getting rusty. Life by just getting up and playing the PC/PS2 feels forever once. Need to get some exercise badly. Not to mention all these weird dreams I have every night (Frankie Muniz joined Linkin Park and My Dad saved the world from Meteor Storms, WTF???) makes this week even longer. Hopefully after prayers tomorrow I get myself a pair of sunglasses. it's gonna look cool with the Cowboy Hat I brought from Tioman. Mehehe... Time for more inane web camera conversations. (By the way Zhin, I still haven't forgiven you for doing that Nipple Dance while I was Micromanaging the Penos. >:O)

I add something new to the picture of my homepage... But I just ran outta inspiration. >.< Plus, Frontpage isn't installed on this PC. >.>

Again, I really could use some exercise now. The sooner this thing gets outta my foot, the better. >.< But then again... I think this post is totally pointless. =P
And then I ran out of breath....


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