Sunday, April 04, 2004

Survivor Uniten: Casted out, but still in the show

Deng it... Still in the middle of exams. >.< Anyways, time for a little plan and rant.

Few things I want to do on my Holidays;

1. Buy some Sunglasses.
(Once a year for photoseintisis is fine, but not year round.)

2. Change the appearance of the blog
(It's been like, 5 months?)

3. Get the freakin wart out of my foot
(It's driving me insane. Feels like a thumb tack in my foot.)

4. Go for Aikido AFTER wart is being removed.
(Ever tried a flip when a part of flesh pokes into your foot like a thumb tack? It's wonderful. You'll do a dance of joy if you accomplish it.)


6. Patch things together between Epul and Zatul
(Kids fighting over stupid stuff. One is pretty sensitive when it comes to his orange Honda Civic.)

7. Neuter Plue
(I'm glad that he's not gay and screwing other male cats but it's going to be a lot more problem if he's hetero.)

8. Clean my Room
(I lost a Guitar under a pile of clothes in there once.)

9. Clean my Car
(I lost a Passenger under a pile of notes there once.)

10. Pay for Ragnarok
(I know the greedy son's of b*tches from Gravity will profit from this but hell no I will let my job 50 Acolyte go to waste. Probably quit after a month when everything's toned down a bit.)

11. Get a job
(Na na... Why don't you get a job? Yeah seriously. I could use some of the money for the one above. Meantime, could use something to preoccupy the time. I heard Hamsa's trying to get a job to carry stuff at the Garrett Gates concert. Nah.. I'd rather work at a food or book outlet and stone.)

12. Get everyone together for a game of DC.
(Provided no. 11 could be accomplished.)

13. Finish a few PS2 games.
(Devil May Cry, Omniwusha 2, Tenchu 3.... Oh! The Suffering is out. >:) Sweet....)

And lastly,

14. Enjoy my Trip to Tioman~~
(Provided no. 6 could be accomplish.)

Got lots of things to say
But I'll save it for another day
When my mind doesn't sway
And home is where I lay
And my cat isn't.... Gay?

LOL. XD Nights.
And then I ran out of breath....


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