Symetric Asylum Revisited
Uniten sweet Uniten. Thanks to the administration, I have 4 hour gaps to stone about every Wednesdays and Thursdays. Hopefully, the blog updates will come constant. When was the last time I did a decent post on a holiday?
Well, once again, my pet car Kelisa suffers from another Speed Ticket. >.< Means I have to switch to Situation C for sometime. It's sparkling clean now, for some of you may know the reputation of mine for keeping my car dirty. At least Hamsa would. I feel sorry about the time I accidently left some rotten fruits at the backseat of the car and he had his ass smeared all over it. Sick, but memoriable and funny times.
"I swear one of these days I'm gonna find a dead body in your car." -- Hamsa
Anyone of you remember Joe? Well, apparently he's off to some scandal with some 'gurl' he met on IRC. From what I've heard from Yip and Sohee, from the scale of 1 to 10, she's a 1. Maybe down to a few decimal points if it could go any lower. Desperation? Our friend Joe is a good looking guy. Why was he hanging out with her? Not to mention the intimate phone calls Sohee and Yip overheard. I remember his ex being one heck of a cutie. At least I know I've had better blind dates. Yet... None of my dates ever really did get anywhere before. You can never really meet anyone in Engineering. >.< Anyways, I hope Joe comes to sense on what he's doing. And that just adds one more reason why I should stay away from Malaysian chatrooms.
Someone recommended me to get a tagboard for this blog so that I might get some timely feedback. it's about time I draw a new picture for the blog too. Maybe edit a few of the old pics. I'll have it up soon once I figure out how. *takes a visit to outdated Zhin's blog*
Sensei! Onegaishimasu!
Song of Today;-
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody. ^^
Matchbox 20 - Disease
Well, once again, my pet car Kelisa suffers from another Speed Ticket. >.< Means I have to switch to Situation C for sometime. It's sparkling clean now, for some of you may know the reputation of mine for keeping my car dirty. At least Hamsa would. I feel sorry about the time I accidently left some rotten fruits at the backseat of the car and he had his ass smeared all over it. Sick, but memoriable and funny times.
"I swear one of these days I'm gonna find a dead body in your car." -- Hamsa
Anyone of you remember Joe? Well, apparently he's off to some scandal with some 'gurl' he met on IRC. From what I've heard from Yip and Sohee, from the scale of 1 to 10, she's a 1. Maybe down to a few decimal points if it could go any lower. Desperation? Our friend Joe is a good looking guy. Why was he hanging out with her? Not to mention the intimate phone calls Sohee and Yip overheard. I remember his ex being one heck of a cutie. At least I know I've had better blind dates. Yet... None of my dates ever really did get anywhere before. You can never really meet anyone in Engineering. >.< Anyways, I hope Joe comes to sense on what he's doing. And that just adds one more reason why I should stay away from Malaysian chatrooms.
Someone recommended me to get a tagboard for this blog so that I might get some timely feedback. it's about time I draw a new picture for the blog too. Maybe edit a few of the old pics. I'll have it up soon once I figure out how. *takes a visit to outdated Zhin's blog*
Sensei! Onegaishimasu!
Song of Today;-
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody. ^^
Matchbox 20 - Disease
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