Monday, October 04, 2004


Oh God. The worst thing that could happen happened. My Motherboard fried. My connection to the internet at home is greatly severed. I feel like I've lost touched of the real world. I've lost my home. Stuck in the cruelest dream known as reality.

Mayhem... That's a name I haven't heard in a while. And a name I kinda missed. The story still needs working on, and I'm still working on it. I haven't given up. But like I said, I got a couple of things really worrying me at the moment, so once I've finally obtained some free time, I'll get the story re-written, upload some good pics, contact people I've neglected for a night-out and get some really good rest.

Meantime, there are some things burdening me besides exams. Something screwed up went on with the Uniten Administration and now I need to go look for my loan. Got a another stupid parking ticket.

And then I ran out of breath....


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