It seems harder and harder to update Jin on the blog since I always see him in Ragnarok/ICQ most of the time. But anyway, the blog still serves a purpose a remembering all those weird things you did while you were still insane and breathing. The last update regarding my birthday was sorta true, since the people who wanted to get revenge on me did get their revenge by giving me a deadly present. It's something more evil than the devil, poor people have it, rich people need it, and you'll die if you eat it.
What is it? Well, it's NOTHING! T_T
Anyway, enough about whining, So let's continue with the updates.
Linkin PARK!!!
Yesh!! a crew of 7 people are going to see Linkin Park on the 15th of October and I one of those lucky people! w00t!!! The rest of them are Saham, Yap, Rafiqque, Sager, Heikal and Tarquin. Tickets did cost a hefty RM127 for a free standing. Heikal had shaved his head so I told him to get one of those thick framed glasses so he'd look like Chester Bennington. O.o Though, I heard that they've been instructed not to scream or jump on the stage. HELL NO! They must! It won't be much of a Linkin Park concert if they weren't jumpin and screamin. Hell, agrees with me.
Yesterday was supposidly to be an anime expo at megamall, but it was such a rip-off. There were so little cosplayers, hardly any exhibition about any anime expo we knew about, and the only highlight of the event was Ragnarok. It occured to me then that the evil folks of gravity and samsung sponsored the pathethic anime convention just to promote their game.
Gravity plan for RO;
1. Lure all the otakus by making a fake anime con
2. Promote Ragnarok by giving out free CD's.
3. Wait for people to start getting addicted to it.
4. Start charging.
Samsung are greedy bastards who took over Gravity and turned a good game into a business gimmick. They should burn....