Thursday, August 21, 2003

hm... Zhin has finally flown out of this country and into the states. There's one more person within the circle of people I know who's getting a priviledge to leave the country for studies and that's one less person who's gonna cut me off in the road. Hope you enjoyed the last night ride. Sorry I couldn't exceed 130kph. The shisha in the bazaar got me 'there'.

Sure wish I had more of that Shisha in Bazaar. That was nice and smooth. Unlike most of the shisha's I've tried, this one was smooth. Maybe I'll go there again this Saturday for an early mornin shisha after my high school reunion in a MACDONALDS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!

I'm surprised that no one still believes me that pixies are trying to take over the world. Today I just saw one in Uniten at the food court minding it's own business. This sighting was the newest one I've had. The pixie was in a form of a fat biker dude with pink wings and tutus. I still haven't seen the breed that looks like high school ustazahs with glittery wings. Oh well. Since they have been mistaken for food by chickens, I'm not surprised that they're population is going down. Doing some of my pixie hunting work. And people say I'm stressed out?!?
And then I ran out of breath....

Saturday, August 16, 2003

FLCL. Now that was one nice Anime. Nice and fluid animation, and an interesting storyline too. ^^ I'm wondering why do they like to do comic versions of anime. But anyways, that's todays recommendation for the anime, so Epol, go get yourself some cash and get it.

Aw... It's only 2 days before the holidays are over. (actually 1, I woke up and 4:00pm so I kinda missed the entire day.) In fact, I had this really bad dream of having to pass up an assignment which was pretty much devastating. I was doing all the questions and formulas ands stuff and them I realized that only some of it needs to be done, so I needed to rub it all off from the answer sheet I can't. So I thought of this insane Idea where I should stick the paper into it. And when I went to cut myself some paper, it turned to leaves. Just when I was about to scream, I woke up. With this sensation of dread all over me.

Ergh... It's been some time since I went to Aiki to work out my phyisical body. I think I shall go on Monday since Sensei caught me ponteng the class while I was on the drive home with Zhin. But that was last monday when my holidays started.

Er...... Nothing much to say right now. Except maybe the fact that we got our asses kicked in Warcraft III:Frozen Throne. I think I'll just save things to say for another idle day.
And then I ran out of breath....

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Okay okay... Here's how it goes. First we went to Megamall and saw how skilled the fellas were at BattleGear3 (Henbrektern!!!) and we were definitely impressed. And then we got this urge to play Warcraft3: Frozen Throne. So then we decided to go to Subang and got lost somewhere along the LDP. And then... Yap uttered words of wisdom. Like he just recieved a message....

"Hey Hamsa, How's your DOG??"

I love the holidays. Lotsa fun stuff to do. Like getting lost in Subang, with all the freakin SS numbers on the signboards. A big thanks to Raffique for calling us out of the blue when we needed directions. Otherwise, we wouldn't have reached the cyber cafe and played our brains off. (Although in the end, the AI really screwed our asses.)

"Boss, Taylors college kat mana?"
"Jangan tanya saya dik, saya pun tak tau kat mana saya."

And then I ran out of breath....

Monday, August 11, 2003

I repeat. My blog has been moved to
And then I ran out of breath....

Sunday, August 10, 2003

Finally the holidays are here. It's been a long wait so I'll relish the opportunity to wind down. It's been a far too hectic and stressful these past few days and finally I've come down to a calm point. Hopefully, no more wild adventures. Just enjoying the Sunday afternoon without the Sun. How nice. No more sun to blaze down on me for the day. Yeah, I'm nocturnal. And it's time for me to stay awake at night now that the time has come. Too bad I can't go out there and wash the car.

Started some work on updating the page. O.o

But I still couldn't get the files to be uploaded into Geocities. So, instead I made a frames on it instead. (You cheap bastard you...)
Anyway, for those of you who regularly visit my blog (OH THANK YOU!!^^), change yer bookmarks to

Some little pictures added. Hope you like it. More to be added soon?

Song Recommendation?
Matchbox 20 - Unwell
Korn - Here to stay
And then I ran out of breath....