Tuesday, July 27, 2004

My Anus is Bleeding!

Actually, no. My anus isn't. I'm just screwing around. Got nothing much to post today except for a catchy line above. XD

Let's see... Nothing much has been going on. Here's just a little update on what goes on in the extraterrestial life of your's truly.

Exams are round the Corner.

Spiderman 2 is a good movie.

Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam isn't.

Spiderman 2 is a good game.

I wish they don't start a game on Pontianaks.

Halley Finally got an English version of Soul Caliber with Background musics and I've been sleeping on the carpet too much.

Hamsa's preparing to whoop my ass on that game.

I wasted RM18.00 on Pontianak Sundal Malam.

The Former Hankyu Jaya has opened to a place called Bangsar Village. There's pretzels (Hear that Jane? ^^)

There's also a restaurant that will open in front of my house. It's gonna attract rats the size of my cats.

I can't get parking in front of my OWN house because of the previous reasons.

My hair makes me look life Adolf Hitler.

My cap makes it worse.

Johann's okay but he's still in a little trauma. Guess I'll be doing the majority of the driving for the time being.

I spent 5 days making a Hocus Pocus Sage on vRO and it sucked. >.< Another 9 more job levels to perfect it.

Saiful Azzam is back from Japan. He didn't bring me home 3 Japanese wives and a bondage mistress like he promised. Go Figure.

Quitting Ciggarettes. It's not that easy as I thought it would be.

The fat naked white man has a fat naked white woman outside the window of my room. O_o

There's a delicious cookies that I think you people should try out. Pepperridge Farm or something. Try out a softbaked one. Comes inside a paperbag.

And... No. There's nothing wrong with my anus. Seriously. XD
And then I ran out of breath....

Monday, July 19, 2004

One Moment of Time, One Person in a Million, One Lesson of a Lifetime

Sometimes, you think, that today might turn out to be a bad day, but often you are doubt it as you mustn't let personal feelings get in the way of having a good time. These extraordinary sense are most of the time ignored by us all. We feel it. But it never really gives us the clear message. And when tragedy strikes, we blame ourselves for not heeding it in the first place. Does that makes us Human to err?
Coming back from Uncle Don's, me and Hamsa was taking a slow cruise while Yap and Johann dissapeared off somewhere in the corner. As we were passing by, we saw this Perdana by the side of the road. There was no skid marks on the road but the car was badly damaged. Thinking that Yap and Johann saw this car, they may have slowed down for us to catch up with them. Hamsa noticed that the accident was quite recent. Reason being that he saw the person trying to get out of his car. The situation was rather peculiar. The type of perdana was that the same of Johann's perdana. Then Hamsa saw Yap's car with the Hazard lights on and making a U-Turn. I immediately passed my phone to Hamsa and give John a call. The moment John picked up the phone, he said "Where's Johann!?"
I immediately made the U turn back to Hartamas and to the highway and already saw Yap, Su Yee and John already at his aide. I felt really bad for not realizing it was him in the first place. But once I got closer to the car, I realized why.
Both front and back bumpers were totaly gone. The front and back lights were missing, either inside a drain or scattered in peices everywhere. The But of the car was crushed, and the camber of the wheels were about 25 degrees twisted. With his bumpers gone, his noticable car plate was no where in sight. The doors on the drivers side was also in bad shape. You could actually see them sticking out from the car. The windshield was shattered but fortunately it didn't fell on him. The car in the end, looked like it had lost all of it's skirting.
I noticed that there was this foamy white and red thing sticking out of the hanging exhaust. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was mud and wood. Apparently, Johann lost control of the car and hit the divider. His car then spin and flew to the left side of the road cutting the bushes clean and bounced off two tree trunks before finally stopping by the side of te road. Luckily, his car was topside up. Had it been any more misfortunate, he would have been upside down inside the drain he flew over and finding out is there truly life on the other side.
You would never expect any of it to happen at that time or to that person. Johann is the best driver among all of us and washes his car twice a day. He loves his car, and it was a great dissapointment for him to see the thing he beloved the most being dragged by a tow truck. And this is the guy who keeps telling me to never make out inside a car for it will bring the car bad luck.
According to some of the people who were a little too eager to help us out on that day (Sure, they are there to help, but sometimes, the call in their own tow trucks to get the money.) that road is somewhat cursed. Well, a lot of people have suffered accidents on that road. Therefore, it's just normal seeing a car crash over the side. One of the worst cases that ever happened on the road was involving the Mercedes and 4 people. Ever heard of that story? To put it short, a mercedes had the side of the car hit a very hard tree and ended with the entire car "hugging" the tree with back bumper and front bumper meeting each other. All four people within the car lost their lives in that accident.
Today, the Highway from Hartamas has claimed the lives of 6 people. Thank God, my friend Johann Ariff, was not one of them.
And then I ran out of breath....

Friday, July 16, 2004

Feedback Fetish

Oh yeah. Just for your info, there's a tagboard at the bottom end of the page besides this window.
Don't hold yourself to do some bitching on how your life is more perfect than mine. XD
And then I ran out of breath....

Love Thy Neighbour

Currently down with a bad fever and a cold thanks to Blazing hot sun in the morning and icy cold showers in the afternoon. Thereby I spent last night tossing and turning feeling the heat all over my body, having difficulty breathing, talking to people who aren't there, turning off the fan and scaring my brother to move and sleep downstairs on the carpet. I still had enough energy to come to classes and admire the cute Hazlinda Hakimie before returning home and find my brother sleeping on the floor. The 2nd week is finally over. But the horrid 3rd week of classes usually brings m0re quizzes and other horrors that require my full concentration and sleeping in textbooks. Within this intermission, comes a blog post and some other fun stuff to do over the weekends.
Last Wednesday, I took a trip to UPM, Uniten's Neighbours to look for textbooks which are said to be easier to be understood and cheaper than the ones we get here in Uniten. UPM is a large, and I mean very large, plot of land which I have to pass by in order to reach Uniten. In fact, Uniten is practically surrounded by UPM. But you can hardly ever get the feeling. Since most of the land you see are meadows with lucious grass and trees and cows. Cows? I'll tip one over before I graduate. XD Damn Hooligan!
Getting to the point, the inner 'busy' part of UPM are many colleges with their own respective course. And of course, the many respective people. ^^ The women inside their campus makes Uniten look like a Boy's School. No offense to the other pretty women of Uniten, but the ratio of theirs is just amazing. O.o
*sees this butt-ugly guy riding a miserable bicycle with a chun chick on the back of it*
Zil: OMG... How sweet. Old school romance.
*revs engines*
Zil: Die Mutha&%$! DIE!
I guess UPM is a nice place to go sightseeing. Besides, all the IT girls will be moving to a new college within the campus soon. T.T A side note, I've also found the way to reach good Satay Kajang from Uniten suppose if you guys want some. ~_^
...Hazlinda is my lecturer.
...She's got a very cute smile.
...shut up. It's very lonely here in Uniten.>:P

And then I ran out of breath....

Monday, July 12, 2004

Around Part of the World in 9 hours

I've realized through yesterday's Solo Road Trip Adventure that Petronas fuel really gives a lot of mileage. I pumped in about RM20 and got the Kelisa to Half tank and drove, from Uniten, to Putrajaya, then Shah Alam (got lost somewhere there) and then Hartamas and finally home. Next morning I woke up, I came back to Uniten, Bangi and only used up a quarter of my tank. O_o I'm guessing I should not hold grudges with Petronas (who once had rejected me from doing chemical engineering after all my hard work) could actually be beneficial after all. Maybe one of these days I could pump in a full tank and drive to Melaka for Ikan Bakar and Sotong and Udang! MmMmm... Sounds like a plan... No speeding though cause I've had enough of tickets. And it would save the fuel too.

After so long of wondering what's it like, I've finally visited the Putrajaya Mosque and the Shah Alam mosque. Both are equally pretty. The Putrajaya mosque wasn't really that big but it had all kinds of stuff surrounding it. Putrajaya looks like a really nice place to share with a loved one. There's some cafes about so you won't really have to worry about the food (Starbucks. ^^) The Shah Alam mosque had an Electronic Abulation(wuduk/wash yourself before prayer) System. O.o Not bad for a building that's been there for ages. I also decided to visit the Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque. Just to complete the Journey. :)

In the End of the day, it's good to come home to Mom's cooking of Butter Prawns and Other Prawns which I don't know how to describe but taste good anyway. The end of a good day with my Cute Little Pet car. ^^

Been quite a good day yesterday. Couple of good things you can do besides sitting at home and staring at the screen all day. Shah Alam is not really much of a distance to drive. But then again, so is Seremban. :3 One of these days I'll take Yip and Sohee to Johor for farks. I'll save that blog post for another day~

And then I ran out of breath....

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Umbala Fields Called My Name

The Fourth out of the world experience session inside Zhin's house. 3rd at his place, 4th time experience. And no matter what happens, my tolerance seems extremely low. It's hits me harder than a brick wall at 300kph. Within a few seconds, I'm gone. Faster than any other people around me. And for that reason, it makes everyone else envious. =P

I'm in a middle of a Uniten registration and I'm waiting for people to get the hell out of certain classes so I can fit it. But the classes have been full since Monday. So I'll just blog out here.

The Dawn of Boredom has come for me. It's a lot of classes for the next 4 months, and the following months after that too. I miss the good ol 7 months of bumming where there was just nothing but Internet, Aikido and Roaming winding roads of KL (Haji Taib! XD) and getting lost in Subang (wtf? Why do I always keep ending up in Monash??). But anyways, History is history. I don't get lost that easily anymore. Made a solo drive to Subang Parade without any 50km U-Turns.I also discovered 3 different ways to come home from Uniten. All three which happened out of heavy traffic and bad misdirection from people I dropped off somewhere in the middle of the road. There's also that shortcut to Central Market Sagar taught me. And other funky bat-cave like pathways I never knew existed taught by people who knew things about people and things. I'm outta shape cause I haven't been to Aikido. And... The internet is just the internet.

Zhin was being pretty bitchy about making his new BS. Even if it took the whole entire guild to level him up, don't start shouting because some of us screw up a bit while helping. Yes, Zhin. If you're reading this, trippy people can be honest. Jin and Yap fucking helped you a lot whether you like it or not so appreciate it.

No word from John for the past few months. None from Kuok either. Just a lot of Johann and his German Nazi Jokes. It doesn't help that my new cap makes me look like a marine. Someday I will get John to borrow me Wordworths. =.='''

Need to get in touch with Ummi. Read some of the latest issues of Gempak and Utopia and could use some bitching about it. Hurry up and graduate so you can show some of these people what a real story is all about. Enough of the same High School Melodrama. I'm getting sick of those.

No, I still haven't added the tagboard yet. Wait till someone spams/lag/send a virus/nuke/molest all the GMs at the Valhalla server. Then I'll be free. But yes, the blog updates come constantly due to immenense free time at Uniten.
And then I ran out of breath....

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Symetric Asylum Revisited

Uniten sweet Uniten. Thanks to the administration, I have 4 hour gaps to stone about every Wednesdays and Thursdays. Hopefully, the blog updates will come constant. When was the last time I did a decent post on a holiday?

Well, once again, my pet car Kelisa suffers from another Speed Ticket. >.< Means I have to switch to Situation C for sometime. It's sparkling clean now, for some of you may know the reputation of mine for keeping my car dirty. At least Hamsa would. I feel sorry about the time I accidently left some rotten fruits at the backseat of the car and he had his ass smeared all over it. Sick, but memoriable and funny times.

"I swear one of these days I'm gonna find a dead body in your car." -- Hamsa

Anyone of you remember Joe? Well, apparently he's off to some scandal with some 'gurl' he met on IRC. From what I've heard from Yip and Sohee, from the scale of 1 to 10, she's a 1. Maybe down to a few decimal points if it could go any lower. Desperation? Our friend Joe is a good looking guy. Why was he hanging out with her? Not to mention the intimate phone calls Sohee and Yip overheard. I remember his ex being one heck of a cutie. At least I know I've had better blind dates. Yet... None of my dates ever really did get anywhere before. You can never really meet anyone in Engineering. >.< Anyways, I hope Joe comes to sense on what he's doing. And that just adds one more reason why I should stay away from Malaysian chatrooms.

Someone recommended me to get a tagboard for this blog so that I might get some timely feedback. it's about time I draw a new picture for the blog too. Maybe edit a few of the old pics. I'll have it up soon once I figure out how. *takes a visit to outdated Zhin's blog*
Sensei! Onegaishimasu!

Song of Today;-
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody. ^^
Matchbox 20 - Disease
And then I ran out of breath....