Pretty soon I'll be moving back into my Mushroom-infested apartment, and begin another outlook at my never-ending life at Uni.
Maalini: ...I came in about 2005...
Zil: Really? Did you ever see me as one of the Fascis?
Maalini: YOU were a FASCI?
Zil: Kenji was I a fasci?
Kenji: Not that you look like one but you I did remember you telling me.
Maalini: So how long long have you been here?
Zil: Since 2002.
Okay I admit. The cat is out of the bag. I've been here too long for most people. I'm still studying. But hey, I learned alot of new things plus I'm not really that 'anxious' to begin on working life. Albeit, it is a hold of responsibility that every one of us will eventually have to grasp at some point, but judging from the vast majority of my friends, I don't really see it as something great to look forward to. (Unless it's Yap, who's always lucky at whatever he does.) Me, being an extreme of happiness or depression would certainly rather enjoy a life where meeting new people becomes a norm of everyday process as well to meet the requirements for a temporary insanity.
In the meantime, besides the social perks, I've been able to catch up on a lot of reading, which mostly centers around the super-macho Warhammer 40k universe (Did someone just shout Fanboi?) Reading up now on Ciaphas Cain, finished the first book and in the middle of the 2nd, it has already helped improve the writing style of my blog. (shutup.) I have to admit, the books Ciaphas Cain series gives me more inspiration to write as compared to the previous books of the series. I'm all prepared now to write the story, just lock me up in a room with a computer and ample time and I should be able to do a good work.
Give me Mary Jane while you're at it if you ever decide to do that.
Other than that nothing major to update cept for the top above confession so I'll see what this time brings me.
So moving on, let's talk about my recent general physical state, which, as I would like to say, is a perfect picture of bad health. As most of you know, I have been constantly struggle against sleep, whether is lack of or abundance, over the past few years and now I'm beginning to see it take a major toll on this faux body of mine. (Faux cause I believe the real corporal being of mine transcends matters of flesh, although eventually I still need it to convey certain things into the material realm.) Lately for the past 2 weeks, I've been burdened with odd

and irregular sleeping hours and durations. As a result, I have sharp pains in my joints, a constant tensing body, and have begun to cough non-stop. Previously, whenever I was afflicted with this peculiar bad habit of mine, it would take me at most one week of rehabilition to fix my schedule. The worst case scenario, which caused me a month full of headaches, was corrected with the proper dosage of sleeping pills (it's not valium).
This time around, It has achieved the prominent bad state once again, with aching joints all over and more oddly irregular sleeping time. I thought the a visit good ol Doc would help me obtain some sleeping pills (again, regretfully is not valium). The first night was blissful. A Dreamless Sleep and then waking up early in the morning and attended the class is a good mood, absorbing every information, with a leeway of time to let my thoughts run wild in imagination. Today is the 2nd day, from which I am writing this blog with tearing bloodshot eyes with big black rings underneath. When the doctor told me that I should stop playing games in the middle of the night, I thought it wouldn't hurt to have a round of Soulstorm or two. However, it turns out the adrenaline pumped into my body during that particular game was enough to keep me awake the whole night. Caffeine has been my best friend and my worst enemy (see below) and it doesn't help that a nescafe truck came into Uniten today to hand out free coffee. I need to stay awake, so I figure at least 5 cups would hurt.
It didn't hurt. But I have a swirling vortex of warp energy in my head now.
On a lighter side of note, I also found out why my hands constantly tremble; It's a common symptom whereby instead of having sweaty palms when you're nervous, my hands start shaking due to the misfire of nerve system. Cause of terrible trembling can be due to the lack of sugar or too much caffeine in my system. Also, taking in sudden large intakes of sugar will cause the sugar in my blood to rise drastically and then a sudden drop causing my hands to once again vibrate at 70 revolutions per second. (For more detail, look up wikipedia for Shaky Hands and make sure it's not a band.)
Thankfully, somewhere around 5 am this morning I decided to pack some stuff and drive to Uniten so that I'd tired myself and get
some sleep before class at 10am. Although the original intention to drive all the way to Uniten was to catch a fag, which I left in the apartment, but somehow, even with inputing nicotine inside my body, I managed to fall asleep. Two hours later, I slithered out of the bed and went off to class, determined to do better this semester despite my rapidly declining health.
Which finally brings me here, eyes still tearing from the lack of sleep and lungs still punctured to never ending coughs. By right, I should quit smoking, cause it's about time. My small body simply just can't take it. However, I'm not sure what kind of repercussions it might bring that may cause to impair me for the next few days. And yes, even as you read this, I can already hear your thoughts thinking "Just quit Zil, it's going to do you more good" but still, having near psionic-like empathy is not good enough sometimes. I'd like to hear from you.
I want to quit.
Encourage me to let me live longer.
Long post. :P But yeah, I'm in a writing mood and I don't really have any of my previous drafts to work on. Out of the mood now so I'll guess I catch ya later.
Song of Today
Akira Yamaoka - One More Soul to the Call