Monday, May 25, 2009

More Bad Jujus

Jin: You're wearing Batik again?
Zil: I like Batik.
Jin: ...Sometimes I wanna say something but, nevermind.
Hamsa: Zil does look good in Batik.
Najiah: WHY ARE YOU WEARING BATIK TODAY?! I wanna get to the bottom of this.

Gabey: The first time I met Zil, he was wearing batik. I remember that particular day cause I remembered it was a very sad day. He got stood up on a date or something.

Yeah, come to think of it, there had been many sad moments in my life left unrecorded here for the purpose of me not wanting to remember them. But as time goes by, I start to realize that somethings you just have to remember, whether good or bad, because by the end of the day, it'll be what makes you you. And no, this post is not about Batik.

Yap: Oh yeah, I still owe Gabey dinner.
Gabey: Yeah and I still owe Zil dinner.
Zil: Don't worry, I'm not fussy about having the dinner anytime soon. But when the time comes, I will call for it.
Yap & Gabey: Such as?
Zil: Like for example, my parents are out of town, I have no food at home, my brothers are away, and I have no money and no fuel and no credit, then I'll most likely invoke this deal.
Yap: What the hell? I don't think you can ever reach such a sad sate.
Gabey: ...then again, knowing you, you might actually fall into that state and it would be wise to keep a backup such as this one.

No, I haven't invoke the deal yet, thank God. But if things goes well with Zain, then I might be likely to have 2 backups for a starvation day.

Anyway, besides than always feeding less on a regular basis, I believe the word of the day is the simple 'bad luck', if any of you believe in it. Given the choice, what would you choose? Fate Or Luck? Certainty or Risks? Though my religion believes that not in Predestination (a lighter and more justifiable version of Fate, and I don't want to go into Religious or philosophical debates about it.) I do have to a certain extent believe in karma and a bit of luck.

As a bit of example, I'd like to say that luck is definitely like a lady. She's like a girlfriend who goes into a bitch fit whenever you decide to immense yourself by playing World of Warcraft™ and spend less times on dates with life. Recently, when I finally got my gnome claws on WoW:Woltk, my computer was struck by lightning, damaging my modem, my power supply as well as my lan card. And mind you, this was the second time the very same incident happen. It also got my brother's PC. And Hamsa's too for some reason. And as usual, struggling with the withdrawal symptoms when you have wow paid for and not being able to play it hurts like a bitch.

Hamsa: Relax man. It's not the end of the world for us.
Zil: Yeah man, it still depressing nonetheless.
Hamsa: Yeah. Sink or swim.
Zil: Heh.
Hamsa: I swear to God some of your bad luck rubbed on to me when you were pissed and called me out for a pool game.
Zil: WTF? Now it's my fault I have bad luck?

Zil: ...and that's how I ended up repeating this subject, even though I know it by heart.
Hud: Oh giler ar. Memang kesian ar ko nie.
Dave: Aku lepak ngan budak nie, makin lama aku dengar cerita dia, makin sedih aku rasa.
Lynn: Boleh tulis novel. Penuh dengan drama.

Thanks Lynn, but even though I really am working on a Novel, I'd rather not it be about my life.
I already have one for that right here.

But you know, despite having too many unlucky incidents, and how much it hurts, the things that I want to record here right now are the silent blessings that you get when times are hard. For me, there are these:

My Friends are there and they listen.
My Parents are there and they help.
My Faith, though weakened, was not shattered.
My will, though faltering, was not depleted.
I though without a PC, can still create works of art.
I am, but still, alive.

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Reality isn't fair. But life is still what you make out of it. To all the Gentlemen and Ladies facing uncertainty and depression, I wish you all... Good luck.

Quote of Day:

Dave: Zil, wake up. Exam in an hour.

*5 minutes later Zil is still asleep*

Dave: Eh, you want a Dick in your face ar?
Zil: Okay I'm up.
And then I ran out of breath....

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Trip 2009 - Ship Manifesto

Huhu... So glad I booked everyone early. In that case, here is a list of ship charter of the people who I have told and haven't told about. If you guys have free time, please ask around if they want to tag along. When the time is right, I will call each of you guys by phone for the final confirmation, so also it would also help if you would kindly help me get the phone numbers for those who are out of my contact reach.

Ship Manifesto! v.1.00

1. Zil (Captain)
2. Dalia (First Mate)(Not yet confirmed, probably having a wedding)
3. Epul (Cabin Boy)(Confirmed)
4. Reez (+1?)(Ship Navigator) (Belum konfem)
5. Aimran (+1?) (Below) (Confirmed only on date)
6. Addy (+1?) (On top) (Have not confirmed)
7. Saifuddin (+1?) (Unconfirmed, out of contact)
8. Acid (Macam confirmed)
9. Adzroul (Quartermaster) (Have not confirmed)
10. Zahlullail (Walk the plank)(Unconfirmed. Adzroul please notify for me.)
11. Mitchy (Unconfirmed, haven't contact)
12. Zatul (Unconfirmed, haven't contact)
13. Azeemah (Tarik tali) (Unconfirmed, no contact)
14. Ena (Sarang Gagak)(Confirmed)
15. Kak Nisa (+1) (Not yet confirmed)
16. Sya (+Bob?) (Not confirmed, no contact)
17. Fatin (+1?)( Confirmed)
18. Sarah (+1) (Confirmed few months ago. beriya-iya confirm.)
19. Dila (Unconfirmed, haven't contact)
20. Farah (Unconfirmed, haven't contact)
21. Shima (Unconfirmed, haven't contact)
22. Nieteni (Confirmed)
23. Zhaf (MIA)
24. Kimie Raikonan(+1) (Magician)(Unconfirmed, no contact)
25. Amir Jani (+1)(Unconfirmed, haven't contact)
26. Natalia (Unconfirmed, not replying messages on facebook.)
27. Kak Lung (Admiral General) (Very Confirmed)

Yeah I know this is a small number of people who are tagging along, and most of it is just a wish list of the people I want to tag along, but hopefully we have enough people to make this a party and enough to lower the cost. This list is not the final list so it may cut down or increase, depending on who's available and the cooperation of everyone.

Meantime I want to ask if anyone is willing to volunteer to become an exco to be assigned to contact a number of people on the list and confirm back with me, as well as perhaps payment matters. IF you are willing, contact me and select the people you are able to confirm (first come first serve)
As usual if they haven't heard anything, please refer to my blog for any enquiries ( and search for TRIP 2009.

The +1 is if your significant other is tagging along in this trip, and +1? means I'm not too sure if your partner wants to tag along and has not confirmed with me. So please be a loving spouse and confirm them for me, and I will gladly see if I can get a room for the both of you. (Tunjuk sijil kahwin dulu)

Lastly, I wanna apologize for not being able to be available for the previous meeting. You know, I'm too busy daydreaming!

Anyway hope to hear from you all soon. Until then.

Captain Zil
And then I ran out of breath....

Monday, May 04, 2009

Trip 2009 - Budget and Time

Sorry for the lack of update but I guess I have been busy on my end. But anyway, regarding the trip, I was recommended Ping Anchorage Travel & Tours ( ) for our package trip. It's agak mahal, specially since the trip time is during peak season.
But I haven't negotiated with them how many people we are bringing.
Looking at the price range, I expect it to be around RM300 to RM400.

For now, I wanna talk about time. For the first two weeks of next semester I'll be busy (project title selection) so it can only happen within the weekend of 17th to 19th July or 26 to 28th July. Alternatively, we can go on the 31stJuly to 2nd August.
Can happen on the weekday as long as it's two weeks after the 6th.

Also, if for some magical reason, everybody happens to be busy on all the three weekends, which really shouldn't be, the closest date for another trip is eight weeks after the 6th of July (I malas nak calculate)

Meantime, for some reason, I can't send this message to more than 25 recipients on Facebook so I'm copy-pasta it to the email thing, and hope that it reaches those relevant. So, Have a look at the dates, discuss, then me & the appointed Trip Crew will get back to you as soon as possible.

In short:

1) I want to know which of the last 2 weekends in July do you want me to book
2) To tell you the price trip will most likely to cost around RM300~RM400 so prepare just in case.

Oh by the way, sorry if I haven't been reading my email but don't really have an internet at work. If you are kind enough, please spread the word to around.

Serving the ship,
Captain Zil
And then I ran out of breath....