Argh... I couldn't sleep the whole night last night. For the past few days, my sleeping time has gone awry. Been sleeping at the wee hours of the morning and waking up when people have their afternoon naps. It's 7:10 am and I still haven't sleep. Well, since no one uses the internet at this time, so I guess the connection is less disrupted compared to the really f***ed up connection I've had the past few days. Time for a little review to be inserted into the blog...
Well, despite all the laggy connections with broadband, I've been quite a bliss with the game Freelancer. The game is named after a friend of mine (you wish Jin) and it follow's pretty much of it's concept. In gameplaywise I guess. This game reminds you of how fun it can be when you are a little speck of the Universe and it's a big world(s) out there. We can't say that each spot has a different civilization, (yeah, no aliens, so far), but the game has proved to be very addictive as you plot your life in the interstellar systems of Liberty. You can go about exploring the vast space by travelling through the very cool gateways to go to each planets and system, buy from different sectors of the solar system and trade with the next to acheive those credits, and, of course, using all that trade and bounty money to put into your ship. The ship. Ahh.. The best part.
The games main focus is indeed in the space dogfight. The controls are extremely easy to use (I, for one, never liked flight sims because of the difficult control. This game proved otherwise.) All you have to do is point the mouse in the direction of the and the ship will follow. There's also a autopilot feature incase you get bored of flying the ship all over space. And trust me, you'll find wiping out the enemy ships and salvaging their parts a lot more fun that it addictive than it seems.
Bad side? I'd have to listen to extended play when they say bad voice acting. Perhaps games like Final Fantasy IX and Diablo II had better cinematic sequences that this one didn't really come to my appeal. Asides from that, I've also been spoiled by better ships designs in Homeworld where I found that some of the fighter planes did had some bad designs on it. Ah.. Well. I've yet to finish the game. There's just so much to do in the world of Freelancer with all kinds of missions to complete.
For now, my rating is 4 shisha bongs out of 5. =)