Sometimes, you think, that today might turn out to be a bad day, but often you are doubt it as you mustn't let personal feelings get in the way of having a good time. These extraordinary sense are most of the time ignored by us all. We feel it. But it never really gives us the clear message. And when tragedy strikes, we blame ourselves for not heeding it in the first place. Does that makes us Human to err?
Coming back from Uncle Don's, me and Hamsa was taking a slow cruise while Yap and Johann dissapeared off somewhere in the corner. As we were passing by, we saw this Perdana by the side of the road. There was no skid marks on the road but the car was badly damaged. Thinking that Yap and Johann saw this car, they may have slowed down for us to catch up with them. Hamsa noticed that the accident was quite recent. Reason being that he saw the person trying to get out of his car. The situation was rather peculiar. The type of perdana was that the same of Johann's perdana. Then Hamsa saw Yap's car with the Hazard lights on and making a U-Turn. I immediately passed my phone to Hamsa and give John a call. The moment John picked up the phone, he said "Where's Johann!?"
I immediately made the U turn back to Hartamas and to the highway and already saw Yap, Su Yee and John already at his aide. I felt really bad for not realizing it was him in the first place. But once I got closer to the car, I realized why.
Both front and back bumpers were totaly gone. The front and back lights were missing, either inside a drain or scattered in peices everywhere. The But of the car was crushed, and the camber of the wheels were about 25 degrees twisted. With his bumpers gone, his noticable car plate was no where in sight. The doors on the drivers side was also in bad shape. You could actually see them sticking out from the car. The windshield was shattered but fortunately it didn't fell on him. The car in the end, looked like it had lost all of it's skirting.
I noticed that there was this foamy white and red thing sticking out of the hanging exhaust. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was mud and wood. Apparently, Johann lost control of the car and hit the divider. His car then spin and flew to the left side of the road cutting the bushes clean and bounced off two tree trunks before finally stopping by the side of te road. Luckily, his car was topside up. Had it been any more misfortunate, he would have been upside down inside the drain he flew over and finding out is there truly life on the other side.
You would never expect any of it to happen at that time or to that person. Johann is the best driver among all of us and washes his car twice a day. He loves his car, and it was a great dissapointment for him to see the thing he beloved the most being dragged by a tow truck. And this is the guy who keeps telling me to never make out inside a car for it will bring the car bad luck.
According to some of the people who were a little too eager to help us out on that day (Sure, they are there to help, but sometimes, the call in their own tow trucks to get the money.) that road is somewhat cursed. Well, a lot of people have suffered accidents on that road. Therefore, it's just normal seeing a car crash over the side. One of the worst cases that ever happened on the road was involving the Mercedes and 4 people. Ever heard of that story? To put it short, a mercedes had the side of the car hit a very hard tree and ended with the entire car "hugging" the tree with back bumper and front bumper meeting each other. All four people within the car lost their lives in that accident.
Today, the Highway from Hartamas has claimed the lives of 6 people. Thank God, my friend Johann Ariff, was not one of them.